It feels like I haven't blogged in forever, but I have a good excuse... I'm a working mom of two now... and this stuff is busy!! So when I was thinking that I never blog, I thought, "well, that's because I have no time to blog"... and tried to think of when the next time I could sit and write something... then I thought that helping you to see my typical day might explain why I haven't blogged in a while...
3:45am - Isabella wakes, hungry. Sleepily, I feed her (on one side) and after about 20 minutes of eating, she falls asleep and I put her back in her cradle.
4:15am - I'm still full on one side, so I must get up an pump.
4:45am - I finish pumping and bagging and cleaning everything up and if it is a rest day for running, I head back to bed. If it is a run day - I'm up for the day!
I start to get my things ready for the day and at 5am, Ryan's alarm goes off.
While he goes for his run, I do abs...
When he gets back from his run at 5:30, I get dressed and go for my run.
5:45am ish - I run three miles.
6:20am ish - I get back and get in the shower.
Once out of the shower, Madison is up, I make her breakfast. While getting ready, Maddie eats and/or entertains Isabella (if she has woken up again).
By 7:20am, I am trying to get Maddie to decide what to wear (some days this is a much longer process than others - she's in a wicked Diva stage!)
7:35am ish - I finish getting lunches ready (Ryan starts this process, I just get anything out of the refrigerator and put the lunches in our bags for the day).
745am ish- I brush my teeth, fill my water bottle and feed Miss Isabella one last time before I head out.
8:15am- my mother-in-law shows up. I hand Isabella over, give her Zantac
and race to finish getting ready.
8:30am - we are off. It takes about 20 minutes to get to Bridgewater and I love my time with Maddie in the car! We play I Spy and the slogan game...(we make up slogans for the day) like "when Mumma doesn't run in the morning, she usually forgets everything she needs" -I don't remember when this game started, but Maddie loves it!
By 9:00am I have dropped her off at school and am walking into my office to "start my day".
9:30am I close my office door and pump for the first time of the day.
My day consists of meetings, solving issues, preparing for other potential issues and I try to fit four pump sessions in there somewhere.
At 5pm, my day is done at work.
I walk in the door at 5:30, drop my bags and feed Isabella. I try to remember to use the restroom at work before I leave because there literally is no time for me to go before feeding her!
Ryan is pretty amazing and will have dinner just about ready when I walk in, so most days I feed izzy at the table while we all eat.
If Isabella finishes eating in time, I clean up from dinner - if not, Ryan does it all.
Ryan and I take turns each night with the tub and stories routine. On my night, after dinner 6:15pm is tubby time. I tubby the girls, get teeth and hair brushed and read stories and Maddie is in bed by 7:15 or 7:30pm.
Many nights I am feeding Isabella while reading stories or Ryan has to do stories so I can feed her.
I feed, then in about an hour, I give her some cereal, which does not help her sleep- contrary to popular belief!!
Ryan is in grad school, so he either helps me do everything or I have to force him to go downstairs and do his schoolwork.
Most nights Isabella and I are on the couch nursing from about 7:30 or 8 until 10 when we all go to bed.
For the most part, Isabella will sleep from 10pm to 3 or 4am... And then our day starts over.
Notice I didn't mention laundry or cleaning anywhere in there... I used to fully clean the house each night after dinner/before bed. It drives me crazy that I can't do that anymore. I clean when/if I can. Ryan does it otherwise
So that's the reason for lack of posting... Even as it is, right now it's 3:49am and I'm pumping - so this was the only time I have had to post!
And just because I don't like a blog post without pictures... Here are some from Isabella's birth that we didn't share with the general public...