That's right, I forgot to post a "Gratitude Friday" the past two weeks... so here it is:
I am thankful for:
my job. I think I've said it before, but I really love my job. I love my bosses, my coworkers, the set up, my students. I love being here for the students. I even love the busy times, like this week. I just got home from work at it is 10:30pm... but I love it!
my mother in law. She is one of the most giving women I know. Really. She quit her job for us a year ago. We didn't know what we were going to do as far as daycare. At one point it was ok becaues I was working 8-4pm and Ryan was working a security job for the college and working 4pm-12am, but that didn't last long. Ryan really hated the job but then was offered a teaching position he couldn't pass up. It was then, that Joan quit her job to come and watch Maddie for us all day. She wont take money for it either. The most she would let us do is get her a credit card and we basically force her to put gas on the card. So really, all we pay is her gas money and she is with Maddie from 9-3 every day. Besides that, she's so supportive, always wanting to help us out financially as well as encouraging us to go out as a couple while she watches Maddie. I just love her.
my upbringing. Specifically that I was raised an Episcopalian. I have so many friends that are catholic and do not practice, feel guilty about it, and have so many questions and doubts as well as contradicting thoughts about the Lord. I am so thankful that I was raised to know God, to love Him and that a relationship between me and the Lord was encouraged and supported.
good days with Maddie. This seems a little silly and obvious, but she has a wicked temper, and we can have some really tough days. Today, however, was a great day. I took her to the mall after work (well, between working during the day and going back after she went to bed) and she was great! Normally she freaks out and tries to grab things off of the racks and is just really hard to handle. This time, I took her without a stroller and she willingly held my hand the whole time, even let me pick her up when needed, and cooperated as I would have hoped.
Maddie's eating. Many parents worry so much about their kids and what they're eating and if they're eating enough. Maddie eats pretty much everything and will eat whatever we are eating for dinner or l
unch. Case in point, she had tacos for dinner last night.
I have no idea where those pictures are going to land on here (or if both of them even uploaded), but you get the point!
running. I hate to run, I really do. However, I started running last year to lose some baby weight, and it helped me get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So this summer when the weather got nice, I started back up with running. I would normally run 1 mile each morning and I was satisfied with that. About three or four weeks ago, I went for a run after Maddie went to bed around 7:45pm and told myself that I would run until it got too dark to continue, thinking I might get a mile and a quarter in. Two miles later, I could barely see the track anymore so I stopped. But I really felt like I could have kept going if it were lighter out! What an excellent feeling that was.
So the next morning, instead of my typical 1 mile run, I ran 2 miles. And here it is four weeks later and I have run 2 miles each morning without fail or pause. And I feel great. I don't feel guilty if I eat junk food (in moderation) and I am energized for the whole day.
I'll end here, but I do have a lot to be thankful for. God has blessed me greatly.
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