Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I love my daughter....

So I just re-read my first post ever... I forgot how tough the first few months were for me...

Its a lot easier and I'm much more comfortable with Maddie now. She's still a handful, don't get me wrong. Still tries to throw tantrums when she doesn't get her way and can be really fresh sometimes, but I think I'm better at handling her; which makes things so much better for us.

She's very cute though and she says some of the funniest things! I was standing up on a chair this morning trying to open the window and she calls out (with her hand pressed up against her lips as to make herself sound louder) "Careful Mommy"...

You just have to laugh at that! Well, I do anyways...

And she's learning things at a ridiculous rate! She's a little confused about her gender identity though! She'll walk right into the bathroom when Ryan's going, and so obviously, she looks up and wonders what in the world it is that she sees, so we're using the correct terms for anatomy.
We've told her many times that Daddy has a penis and she has a vagina. But she still gets confused.
In the tub, she'll look down, touch herself, and knowingly look up and say, "oh yeah, Penis".
No no no Maddie, only boys have a penis. You have a vagina. "oh right, gina"...

Then if I take her into a public bathroom when we're out to dinner or something, she comes in the stall with me (obviously) and she'll point to mine and say, "penis... no no no, momma, gina." The poor women in the stalls next to us are probably wondering what this hermaphrodite is doing in the bathroom with them!

Its funny, this learning thing. There are some things she hears once and will remember it weeks down the road.
For instance. Her birthday was the first time she had heard anyone sing "happy birthday". Then I don't think we sang it around her again until June, Elizabeth's 4th birthday. Then not again until this month, it was my mom's birthday. On the way down to visit my mom, I said, "Maddie, we'll have to say "Happy Birthday" to Mimi and sing to her" and I sang the song.

Well, that was what, three times she's ever heard that song.
Yesterday, it was our friend Bill's birthday. I asked Ryan if he had talked to Bill and reminded him that it was his birthday and from across the room, Maddie starts to sing (not exactly in the right tone but still), "happy birthday to you..."

Ryan and I looked at each other in amazement! It's just so fun, her learning!

Ok, I think I've bragged about my child enough for one day.


About Me

My photo
I'm a mother of one little 5 year old with a very big personality and one infant whom I feel like I've always loved! I'm enjoying being a mother while still trying to be a good wife as I go. I was just promoted to a job I dreamed of having! I value my friends and family above all else.

After 10 years together

After 10 years together
June 5, 2004

The 1st Most important Man in my life

The 1st Most important Man in my life
I will Always Be Daddy's Little Girl

The Next Most Important Man in My Life

The Next Most Important Man in My Life
Soulmates... going on 18 years

Our Little Family

Our Little Family
All I've ever wanted...

Mommy's Pride and Joy

Mommy's Pride and Joy
Madison Rebekah-Hope


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream