again, I have to add a few days at once. This time, though it is because I was at a conference from Wednesday to Saturday. (p.s. my "s" key is not typing unless I slam it down, so if I miss a few "s's" in there, that's why)...
Day 9: A photo you took - Ryan and Maddie on the train the other day
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago - This might have just been about 10 years ago, me with my friend Lisa.
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently - this was this weekend at the Professional Housing Conference I was at with my friend Erin.
Day 12: Whatever tickles your fancy - My sister and me this Easter. She's the most amazing woman I know. She's been through more in her life than any woman should have to go through and although most days he doesn't think she is, she's so strong! (this was our attempt at a silly picture, we're a little lame!)
Day 13: A fictional book - I resisted this series like I did the Harry Potter books (never read those)... until a friend just begged me to try them. I'm going into the 4th book tonight and not really because I love them (because I don't love them) but because I started, so I must finish!!

Day 14: A non-fictional book - The Secret... interesting to say the least...
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