Monday, October 25, 2010

First Day of Preschool

I was so not prepared...

People asked me, "you think you'll cry?"

"Cry for what?"

I had no idea!

Last night as I was labeling all of her things (a rule at the preschool - not me being my OCD self)... I starting thinking about how long 8:30-3:30 really is.  How she hasn't really used the bathroom for anyone other than Me, Ryan, or my Mother -in-law, how she has no idea that we're not going to be with her for the entire day, and getting really nervous for how she'd react.

But when she woke up, we said, "Happy school day Maddie" and she was very excited.    All morning, she was excited to get dressed, and excited to let me french braid her hair, excited about carrying her lunch box (which was "very heavy") and so excited walking into her school!

Of course, we took a few pictures before we left the house:

When Ryan and I went to leave her, she looked up at us with a brave smile (a little sad) and said, "ok, I'll see you later".

Ryan called at lunchtime and apparently she had a breakdown and cried for about 5 minutes this morning, but at the time he called she was working in a small group carving pumpkins and having a good time.

I go to pick her up in 20 minutes and am sitting on the edge of my seat, I can not wait to go get her!!

I did NOT think I would be like this at all... I am not sappy or into the whole, "my baby isn't a baby anymore" mentality... I am so happy that she's growing up, I love to watch her grow and to be completely honest, I don't miss her as a baby... it was not an easy time... she was not an easy or happy baby.

I just hate that lonely feeling and knowing that the other kids all know each other, I don't want her to feel left out if they're all friends and she's just starting today...

I'll update on how she did tomorrow....


Unknown said...

She looks so cute for her first day! You did good momma!

About Me

My photo
I'm a mother of one little 5 year old with a very big personality and one infant whom I feel like I've always loved! I'm enjoying being a mother while still trying to be a good wife as I go. I was just promoted to a job I dreamed of having! I value my friends and family above all else.

After 10 years together

After 10 years together
June 5, 2004

The 1st Most important Man in my life

The 1st Most important Man in my life
I will Always Be Daddy's Little Girl

The Next Most Important Man in My Life

The Next Most Important Man in My Life
Soulmates... going on 18 years

Our Little Family

Our Little Family
All I've ever wanted...

Mommy's Pride and Joy

Mommy's Pride and Joy
Madison Rebekah-Hope


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream