I said earlier what a great age Madison is at... how fun Christmas time was... Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were so fun!!
On Christmas Eve, we celebrated and exchanged gifts with Ryan's parents. They gave us a sweet new camera, so we tried our best to document!! After a great day with them, we went to our old parish for 5pm church, then went to Ryan's cousins (Jane and Bob's) house for an annual Christmas Eve party. All of Ryan's male family members play the guitar (they get together almost weekly to "jam") so they brought guitars and we all sat around and sang Christmas Carols. It sounds hokey, but it was so fun!! And of course, my 2 year old who knows almost every carol just loved it!!!
After Jane and Bob's party, we went home (it was roughly 10pm by the time we got home! 2 hours past Maddie's bedtime!) We did all of the traditional things little kids do before bedtime, and she fell sound asleep by 10:30pm.
This is her laying out her stocking....
She could almost fit inside her giant stocking! |
of course, cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for his reindeer! |
Then on Christmas Morning... this is what she woke up to:
She came into the bedroom and said, "Mumma, Santa put M&M's in my stocking, just like I asked!" So cute!!!
Stay tuned for the opening of gifts and Christmas at the Blackwell's!
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