I feel like whenever I do update I have to apologize for taking so long to update.
So, here's my apology.
It's bad when your mom tells you that you haven't updated your blog in a while - but she did, so even if she's the only one who reads this - I'm pleasing one person!
A LOT has happened since I last updated.
Isabella turned 1, I think that's the biggest thing at this point. Her birthday was so fun - we just did a back yard party but had a lot of family and friends celebrate with us. She ate her cake and loved it!

At one year, she is 19 lbs. and so fun! She's got 6 teeth, with two coming in. She's talking with the following words (kitty, Mommy, Dadda, Please, Thank you, Meow) but she has her own little language that she uses and talks all the time!! She constantly laughs, loves her sister and loves being outside.
Other big happenings include that my mom is now going to be watching her one day a week and Joan watching her the other days. We did this during the summer when Ryan had grad classes and although it took her a little while to warm up - it worked out great! Isabella takes a while to warm up to people and she doesn't see my parents very often, so this is going to be so great for her! I just want her to be comfortable with my parents - and it kills me when she cries at them - so this will be great!
Maddie graduated preschool in June and starts Kindergarten this week! I think I'm in denial! We did some school shopping and I just couldn't believe I was at this point! She's pretty excited. She has a male teacher, which made Ryan so happy! I'm nervous about the bus, not the school.
She's almost fully reading - she can read all of Isabella's books to her - she can sound out almost all the words in her chapter books and loves to learn. I just love it!
She has a very wiggly tooth - and is excited (yet nervous) to lose it! She "just knows she will start kindergarten without her tooth!"

How cute is that!?!
And, our parents took us to New Hampshire for a week. It was so relaxing and so much fun!! We went to Santa's Village and had such a blast. I'll update in pictures:

And... a few more pictures: Becky and I went to the Luke Bryan concert in June and had so much fun. We went with one of my bff's Meredith who has all the concert inside scoops, so that was awesome, that girl knows how to party at a concert!
We also went to our friend Nicole's wedding and I love this picture of me and Becky, so I'll include it:
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