Monday, March 26, 2012

What a Scare!

All pregnant women fear it... most runners do too!

And it happened...

I fell... face first on the pavement on Friday night.

To answer everyone's first question - Yes, I am ok and so is the baby.  Thank God.
To answer everyone's second question - No, I was not running.
I have given up running for the time being - it was just too painful and I didn't want to chance it anymore (the pain wasn't a natural pregnancy feeling - it was telling me something wasn't right).

Here's what happened.

We live about 1.5 miles from a really good ice cream place.  Peaceful Meadows.  So, Ryan suggested walking down there after dinner on Friday night and it was still pretty nice out.  We put Maddie in the jogging stroller (because 3 miles is a little much for her to walk) and headed out.
I didn't change out of my flip flops because its not like I was walking for speed or anything and I'm just comfortable in flip flops.
We made it to the shop, enjoyed some ice cream (well I got a shake) and were heading back.  We had walked about .75 miles when I stepped on a stick with one foot, bringing the other end of the stick up and causing my other foot to trip on it.
I was holding my shake and just went face forward towards the pavement.  In that very instant, I knew just how bad this could be and yelled "oh Shit!"  something I NEVER say in front of Maddie.
And hit the ground.
I realized at the time that Ryan had let go of the stroller to bend down and help me up - but the stroller didn't stop... so I heard Maddie screaming "Mumma..." and crying... I kept telling Ryan to get her and that I was ok.  So I was getting myself up off the ground as he ran up to grab the stroller.  When he did, the stroller pulled back towards me but Maddie wasn't buckled (don't judge our parenting on that one - she would never get out without asking permission and we weren't walking fast enough that she could ever have gotten hurt - with this rare instance being a total exception!) and she went forward, falling out! 
Ryan quickly picked her up and she was bawling at this point, but kept saying "Mumma, is the baby ok?"
I kept telling her that the baby was fine and that I was fine (although I wasn't quite sure of either of those things at that point!)  I knew my elbows and knees were pretty hurt and I had gotten up so quickly I couldn't tell if I had actually fallen on my stomach or not.  I know I ended up flat on the ground, but I didn't know if my stomach had actually made impact or not.  It didn't hurt but I just didn't know.
Ryan carried Maddie the rest of the way home (which is no easy feat, she weighs about 40 lbs and we still had .75 miles left to go!) because she was so scared.    The entire way she kept asking if I was ok and if the baby was moving. 
(sidenote: I could not get over how concerned and in tune with the fact that the baby was the #1 concern she was.  This concern lasted all weekend - and even this morning it was the first thing she asked me when she woke me up!)
So, we got home and I immediately sat on the couch with my feet up, as this is the position in which the baby usually shows the most activity.
I felt very slight movements - but am used to huge kicks and was pretty much freaking myself out because the movements weren't huge.

Ryan was great (as always) and grabbed a bowl of soapy water and cleaned up my elbows, wrists, and knees which were pretty badly scraped up.  I had to act like it didn't hurt like a b*tch when he poured the hydrogen peroxide on them because Maddie was already so freaked out... So instead of crying, I laughed, and said it tickled.  IT DID NOT TICKLE (for the record).

Then after Ryan calmed Maddie down and got her to bed, I texted my sister just an FYI, saying, Hey, Just so you know, I fell tonight but am fine.  The baby is moving but I thought I'd let you know.

She immediately texted me back (I knew she was at a church thing - otherwise I'd have called her) and said, "Amanda, please call the doctor."

I think I subconsciously texted her because I knew that would be her response.  I didn't want to be an overreactive mother - but I also was a bit nervous.

Her next text was what got me on the phone with my doctor's office.  She said, "Amanda, I don't want to panic you, but please call the doctor.  I fell two days before Christian was born - I just need to know from the doctor that your baby is ok".

For those who don't know, when my sister was 6 months pregnant with her first child, she spontaneously went into labor and although they tried to stop it they were unable to stop the labor.  She had a baby boy, Christian who lived for 2 hours and then passed away in her arms.  His lungs just weren't enough to sustain him.  I wont go into the pain and suffering that she faced from this - but her text was certainly enough to get me to call.

I called and after a little mix-up with my phone number, I finally heard back from the on call doctor who stated that I was probably ok especially if my hands and knees were beat up and that I was feeling the baby move, but if I wanted to be reassured, he'd be happy to have me come in and go on a monitor.

I said to Ryan, "I just don't want to regret that I didn't go" to which he said, "ok, then you need to go".
We debated having our good friends (who live 5 minutes away) come to watch Maddie so Ryan could come with me - but I knew I could be a big girl and go by myself!  Plus, I knew how scared Maddie was already that if she ever woke up and we weren't there, she'd have freaked!

So, I drove to the ER at 11pm and got right into the maternity ward.  They hooked me up to a monitor and it took like 10 minutes to get the baby's heartbeat - which scared me but I could feel it moving, so I knew it must be there!!
They finally got the heartbeat on the monitor and they wanted 20 minutes on the reading so I just laid there for 20 minutes listening to my beautiful baby's heartbeat and laughing as it was moving all around!

Thank you God!!

Since we're at a new hospital (from when we had Maddie) I was very curious about the labor and delivery rooms and the nurse that worked with me was so nice - she gave me a little tour of the ward just before I left.
I'll admit, it got me very excited for when its time for this baby to make its appearance!!

So, alls well, but it was quite a scare!

My wounds are very sore (and very gross) but I'll take that if it means that my baby was well protected!


dirt road mama said...

Omg I am so glad you're okay!! That really is the scariest thing. And so adorable how caring maddie is already..not surprising tho, she's such a sweetie. Reilly is so protective and actually pushes the doctor away because she gets so worried that Reagan cries at the office! The instinct to protect and care for them is crazy!

About Me

My photo
I'm a mother of one little 5 year old with a very big personality and one infant whom I feel like I've always loved! I'm enjoying being a mother while still trying to be a good wife as I go. I was just promoted to a job I dreamed of having! I value my friends and family above all else.

After 10 years together

After 10 years together
June 5, 2004

The 1st Most important Man in my life

The 1st Most important Man in my life
I will Always Be Daddy's Little Girl

The Next Most Important Man in My Life

The Next Most Important Man in My Life
Soulmates... going on 18 years

Our Little Family

Our Little Family
All I've ever wanted...

Mommy's Pride and Joy

Mommy's Pride and Joy
Madison Rebekah-Hope


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream