With the next contraction, I pushed with all my might and I'm pretty sure I screamed like some sort of animal! The tough part about pushing is that you know its going to be the worst pain you've ever felt, but you are the one who has to do it to yourself. I can only think that cutting off your own arm or leg would feel something like this.
At one point, I had to ask Ryan to stop squeezing my hand (I was squeezing his pretty hard and he was squeezing back out of reflex) but other than that, he was just perfect - cheering me on, giving me water after every contraction, and helping me get through this.
At another point, I started to panic because my arms and legs went numb and I was shaking uncontrollably. I said, "I can't feel my body" and the nurse asked Ryan, "what did she say?" He repeated it and I said, "I can't feel my arms and legs, they're numb" to which the nurse told me to stop breathing so fast, that I was causing that to happen. So I tried hard to slow my breathing but I was in a lot of pain, and I guess I couldn't help it. I remember thinking - Oh my God, those noises are coming from me!?!? I was making some crazy noises with each contraction - but couldn't help it!
They gave me some oxygen through a mask and I have no idea if it actually helped or just made me feel a little better - but either way, I think I could feel my arms and legs better because I finally gave it my all and pushed with everything I had. Suddenly, I felt that intense relief and the nurse told me to stop pushing.
At 7:13pm,Ryan tearfully said, "it's Isabella!!" and I was elated, I forgot about the pain I was in; I didn't care that there was still more to do, I was just so happy!
Ryan was able to cut the cord this time (with Madison, he couldn't because it was wrapped around her neck) so he was really happy about that.
They immediately put Isabella on my chest and let us have skin to skin contact for an hour. They only took her off of me to give her the shot and eye medication she needed and then gave her right back to me to start nursing.
The tough part about labor is that you want it to be completely over once the baby is out - but it isn't! The nurse, whom I found out later was actually a midwife was great for the rest of the process - even though it was painful, she made it as comfortable as she could.
I missed that $5 by 13 minutes. But, she didn't leave right then - she took her time with me, cleaning and repairing what needed cleaning and repairing and finishing the amazing job she started with our delivery. In fact, she finally came in around 8:30pm and hugged me goodbye. I couldn't believe she stayed as late as she did for us. She was amazing!
Ryan made all of the phone calls to our family and posted what he could to let people know that she was here. Her middle name is after my mother's mom, Eleanor and I am sure my mom never expected that - so Ryan said she cried when he told her what the name was. I'm happy that we were able to honor my mom's mother. She was an amazing woman and my mom is a lot like her.
All of the nurses were incredible to us, and we felt so well cared for. It didn't matter that we already have a child at home, I still felt like I had no idea what to do with her!

We had the whole family come visit on Saturday along with our bff's and Ryan's cousin and family. Other than that our visitors waited to come see us at home - which was nice. Sometimes it can be stressful to have people coming to the hospital (especially when you're trying to learn to nurse and nursing every 2 hours or so), so I was just as happy to have people wait and come to the house.
So that is the story of her arrival.

I was slower to heal and recover this time than last time - but my body went through a lot more trauma this time than last time, so I guess that's why. Its also funny how much you forget - I forgot about the after care that is required post labor - not fun!
I'm also dying to run - but will give it a little longer before I do. I know I wont be able to jump into a 3 miler like I'd like to, but I just want to get out there and go. Timing my run with nursing will be tricky, I'm sure, but I'll figure it out. Hopefully once I do, I'll fit back into my clothes. Currently I am still wearing maternity clothes because my pants wont fit up over my hips (so annoying). I did gain 47 lbs so I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I am so impatient with this part - I just want my old body back!! I have 30 lbs to go, so it wont be easy or quick, but I'm hoping once I do start running it will come off steadily!
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