Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Maternity Leave.... Part 1

I promise I will get better at blogging.  Who likes to go to a blog with no pictures?  No one, right?  I know... my excuse is two fold.  Firstly, I couldn't find the cord to hook up the camera to the computer and then when I did, I couldn't find the camera.  Secondly, since we got the Ipad, we almost never use the laptop... but typing large amounts on the ipad is a little annoying - so those are the two reasons I haven't blogged in over a month.
Plus, I hated my last post - it was way too long... In fact, I know it is a little late, but I just went back and split it into two posts.  So, for anyone who hadn't read it yet, it should be a little less to take in one read. 

Anyways... I don't want to forget how amazing my maternity leave has been so I am determined to get blogging more.

Here's the start to that:
Clearly, it started on June 1st when I had Isabella.  We came home from the hospital on June 3rd and my mom, who had been staying with Madison at our house, had dinner ready for us and all of our laundry done (that's right, she's pretty amazing!)  She had also taken my niece for the night so that Madison had company - which I think was great, it was fun for the two girls and actually when they are together, it's almost easier for my mom.  She took them shopping and they had a ball together, with Mimi.

Two days later, we celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary.  Even as I typed that I had to double check.  It just doesn't seem possible that we've been married for that long.  And yet, I don't remember life without  him in it (probably because it was almost 20 years ago that I had life without him in it!)
By celebrated, I mean that we took Maddie to school and then hung out all day at home.
Boy have things changed now that we have children!!

My recovery from delivery took longer than I had expected.  Ryan was a little frustrated with me because I just really wanted to be able to be up, moving, and do things - but I was pretty much confined to the house (and couch) for two weeks.    In addition to my body recovering, I was nursing Isabella  - and that was my full time job (still is).  She is not on a schedule (most people think they eat every two hours) instead, I feed her on demand - when she's hungry, my life stops.  Which at this point is every hour with maybe a 3 hour stretch during the day...

Most of you know that I was determined to have Isabella early because Madison's recital was on June 10th and I was adamant that I would make it to that.  Well, I am pleased to say that I did!
I had Isabella in the moby carrier for part of the day, but then I was a back stage dance mom for about 2 hours and Isabella slept in my mom's arms in the audience the whole time!
I am so proud of Madison - back stage, the majority of girls (young and teens) were complaining, crying, whining about their costumes being itchy, them being tired, hungry and wanting to sit in areas they weren't allowed.  However, Madison was smiling and happy the ENTIRE time!
At one point, it was about 5:15 (show started at 3) and she still had about an hour before she went on stage, I asked her "Hunny are you hungry?" and she said, "why, do you have any food for me?"  I had packed some pretzel sticks, veggie chips and goldfish as well as a water - well, clearly she was starving because she scarfed!! But I wouldn't have known, she didn't complain once.  We shared those snacks with her dance mates who were just as  hungry but were much more vocal about it!!

Here are some pictures of my dancing beauty!!

Putting lipstick and mascara on a 4 year old is much harder than it looks!

with her two bffls in dance, Ava (next to her) and Cayla

I can't figure out how to flip this one!

She did such a good job and she LOVED being on stage!!  The theme for the show was I Love New York - their dance routine was to the song "Boy from New York City" so now we still hear her singing "ooooha oooha ooooha ditty, talk about the boy from New York City" while she dances infront of the tv (to see her reflection, naturally!)
She is just so cute!


About Me

My photo
I'm a mother of one little 5 year old with a very big personality and one infant whom I feel like I've always loved! I'm enjoying being a mother while still trying to be a good wife as I go. I was just promoted to a job I dreamed of having! I value my friends and family above all else.

After 10 years together

After 10 years together
June 5, 2004

The 1st Most important Man in my life

The 1st Most important Man in my life
I will Always Be Daddy's Little Girl

The Next Most Important Man in My Life

The Next Most Important Man in My Life
Soulmates... going on 18 years

Our Little Family

Our Little Family
All I've ever wanted...

Mommy's Pride and Joy

Mommy's Pride and Joy
Madison Rebekah-Hope


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream