Wednesday, January 25, 2012

running again

Knowing that I've been using my pregnancy as an excuse to eat like crap and pig out recently, I finally decided that I needed to start running again.

It is so hard to start up again, but I really do love it - so I just did!

I ran really slow and only did 2 miles - but it felt wonderful.  Actually, it was tough, but I felt wonderful that I did it!  My lower stomach hurt a bit during the run and I realized that my abs have separated (half on the bottom of my baby bump and half on the top)... so that pain I felt (which was more uncomfortable than pain) was actually my abs.   You might not know this, but when you run, you actually engage your abs without even trying.  So, my abs, having not been used in over 10 weeks finally got a little action...
Also, my lower back has been causing me some trouble over the past few months and during my first run it was a bit sore too.
My breathing was great (I was running pretty slow - 11:30 pace) so I am sure my heart rate was where it should have been and when I got home I felt so refreshed!!

I took the next day off to let my muscles recoup a bit and ran the day after that.  My pace increased and my back pain was almost non-existent.  My lower ab pain was hardly noticeable this time and again, I felt great!  The next few days were very cold and it snowed about 8 inches, so I had to take a few days off. 

Tuesday, I was back at it.  I ran 2.5 miles this time and my pace was just under 11 minutes.  This time, the back and stomach pain were completely gone.  I did feel tired when I got home (which is not typical for me unless I run 8+ miles) so I do know that I'm a lot less in shape than I should be - but overall, a great run.

Today, I ran 2.5 again and felt great.  No pain, no discomfort, and my breathing was fine the whole time.  Also, at lunch HR offered a zumba class today and I took that.  I loved it.  It was my third or fourth time taking zumba and it's so much fun.
The instructor was great and she made some adjustments for me (basically just with abs) knowing I shouldn't be doing anything with abs.  She also had me use my own disgression with the jumping... I took it easy.

I just think the more active I stay, the better I feel emotionally, physically and mentally.  I've already gained 15 pounds and I know that I gained a lot at the end of my last pregnancy, so I'm trying to keep that under control as best I can. 

Its just so hard because I work my butt off to stay the size I am (when not pregnant) and I don't think I will ever be just ok with gaining weight - even when I know that it's normal and required... it's still very difficult.

I'm very focused on making sure my baby is healthy, let there be no mistake about that.  But I want to make sure I'm keeping myself in check and healthy at the same time...

I'm also wondering if and how I will be able to keep up my running and training (I plan to do another Half Marathon in October) with two kids.  I'm actually wondering how everything will be with two kids.  I feel like if I were going to be a stay at home mom, I might be a little more at ease, but I have to worry about how I'll go back to work - daycare, managing getting two kids and myself out of the house in the morning on time... There's a lot to think about... and I'm at that point right now of wondering how I'll balance it all.  (don't get me wrong, stay at home moms have plenty to worry about and I couldn't do what they do - but the work aspect and daycare/preschool aspect are two areas I am worrying about that I might not have to as a SAHM).
Thank God I have Ryan... He's pretty supportive about my running (well, recently he's not all that thrilled that I'm running again - but he understands it.  He worries the whole time I am out there; its 6am and still dark out, cold, and clearly he worries I'll fall or something.) 
I am smart about it.  I want to be healthy about it too.

So that's my running rant... I'll keep it up as long as its comfortable.


About Me

My photo
I'm a mother of one little 5 year old with a very big personality and one infant whom I feel like I've always loved! I'm enjoying being a mother while still trying to be a good wife as I go. I was just promoted to a job I dreamed of having! I value my friends and family above all else.

After 10 years together

After 10 years together
June 5, 2004

The 1st Most important Man in my life

The 1st Most important Man in my life
I will Always Be Daddy's Little Girl

The Next Most Important Man in My Life

The Next Most Important Man in My Life
Soulmates... going on 18 years

Our Little Family

Our Little Family
All I've ever wanted...

Mommy's Pride and Joy

Mommy's Pride and Joy
Madison Rebekah-Hope


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream